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Robo-Advisors and Banks: The Next Robo-Frontier

In 2015, we saw a number of robo-advisors join with major financial services firms as well as a couple of big financial services firms launch their own robo-advisor service. So far, 2016 has started off with a large banking group, BBVA Compass, partnering with robo-pioneer FutureAdvisor to offer a digital platform to customers.

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3 Ways Technology Will Change Your Finances

With the advent of technology, we’ve seen men on the moon, self-driving cars, and the rise of artificial intelligence. All of that’s exciting, but not all too relevant to the average person’s day-to-day life. However, coinciding with technology’s advancements of 2016 is a FinTech golden age with the power to change your personal finances.

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How to Discuss Philanthropy with Financial Advisory Clients

As a financial advisor, you’re a guardian and guide for your client’s financial well-being. But when it comes to philanthropic giving, many advisors cede that role and avoid engaging their clients on the subject. Don’t make that mistake. If you have a client inclined to philanthropy, you have a responsibility to guide them in that process.

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